
A collection of programming snippets, tips, and tricks for developing with Particle IoT devices

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Particle Workbench

Helpful information for using Visual Studio Code and Particle Workbench.

Getting VSCode to recognize the retained keyword

If you are using retained variables to save information across power cycles or deep sleep, Intellisense in VSCode might flag the retained keyword as unknown, and then flag every use of those variables as undefined identifiers.

This problem exists as of January 2019, in Particle Workbench alpha7. It will probably be fixed in a future release of Particle Workbench. But in the meantime, you can work around it by adding the following include to your project:

#include "deepsleep_hal_impl.h"

Even if you don’t do this, Workbench will still be able to compile your code. The error highlighting in the editor is only because the Intellisense syntax highlighting doesn’t recognize the retained keyword, but the compiler still does.

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